Creative, easy and unique bulletin board ideas, charts, DIY decorations and themes – Wondering WHAT to put on a bulletin board in your classroom? These handmade classroom bulletin board ideas will give you some unique theme ideas for your soft board, white board, classroom walls or ANY type of display board in your school, Pre-K, daycare or church.
Perfect for all Holidays, months and seasons – from spring to welcome back to school.
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I found some of my absolute favorite handmade classroom bulletin board decoration ideas on these 2 helpful pages below.
Feel free to check them out for more ideas.
Let me show you some more unique bulletin board ideas I’m going to try in my classroom this school year.
I’m also looking for display board ideas, classroom wall and hallway wall ideas – even ideas for decorating my class windows.
We gotta make it FUN, right? RIGHT!
This classroom display board idea below is just perfect – things that require ZERO effort – would be something inspirational for high school classrooms or hallway walls:

This next idea isn’t a bulletin board picture, but I LOVE this idea for a welcome board decoration for school or as a poster or white board outside the classroom when parents are there (think new school year open house, welcome back etc).
It’s a GREAT reminder for parents of young children that all kids develop at THEIR level and speed and to NOT compare their child to others.
Motivational AND important!
If you can’t read the saying on the popcorn-themed bulletin board, it says:
“Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, in the same oil and yet… the kernels do not POP at the same time. Don’t compare your child to others. Their turn to POP is coming!”
Do you play Wordle? I do! Every, single day!
I bet your students do too.
I LOVE this Wordle theme library bulletin board decorating idea!
I also like this simple, yet positive, bulletin board idea:
What a great ‘Welcome Back’ reminder message – Be The Nice Kid… Be Kind.
Or how about this Welcome Back bulletin board for first grade (or ANY early education grade level):

Here are 2 more Welcome Back To School Fall bulletin board ideas I like…
I also found these creative church bulletin board ideas for the classroom, children’s ministry, Sunday school, bible school (VBS) etc.
I made the picture of these more religious free ideas big so you can see there’s church welcome back ideas and handmade bulletin board decorations for Christmas, January & New Year’s, St Patrick’s Day, welcome boards for the church foyer walls, etc etc.
✅ Need some more ideas for your church?
I found more bulletin board ideas for church here.
Here are some cute Spring bulletin board ideas found around classrooms in school…
cute, right?
Or this “Blooming Toddlers” idea – the handmade decorations are SO adorable!
I’m thinking of doing a butterfly theme bulletin board this Spring – and make it a bit interactive to make it more of a learning experience than only a cute decoration for the room.
A unique way to do this for preschool, kindergarten and elementary bulletin boards would be the Stages of the Monarch Butterfly.
I’ll display the four stages of development: from egg, to caterpillar (larva), to chrysalis (pupa) and then finally into a butterfly.
I think I’ll stencil or freehand the bulletin board title as “Stages of the Monarch Butterfly” at the top and then section the butterfly bulletin board into four squares, using one square for each stage.
It would be great if I could use actual photographs of each stage in the squares, don’t you think?
A butterfly life cycle bulletin board something like one of these in the picture below…
For older school-age kids ( like upper elementary or middle school), I think I’d use both the English and Greek word for caterpillar and chrysalis with more in-depth information about the stages, such as the length of each stage and descriptions.
I’m just thinking out loud, but I think it’s also a great motivational bulletin board that helps kids learn how we all become beautiful.
Also as Spring ideas – I like anything rainbow related… like this unique twist on a rainbow bulletin board using those free paint samples cards you get from Home Depot or Lowes, etc in the paint department:
I also like this handmade chart for classroom decoration AND for interactive learning.
Like this one below – perfect to teach kids about money and how much things cost – tho those prices will be MUCH higher these days … sigh
I’ll be adding to this page as I find more ideas for this collection.
Be sure to come back!
In the Mean Time…
Here Are More Unique Bulletin Board Ideas:
If you were here looking at the church bulletin board ideas, you might also like…
And here’s more ideas…