No matter where I go, at least one person asks me how bloggers (like me) make money – and…. how THEY can make money blogging just like I do.
If that’s YOUR question (or your curiosity), this page is for YOU. I’ll answer the common questions about making money with my blog the best I can right here.

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That’s how I make money blogging, too (that and with ads).
There is a totally free program for bloggers like you and me to use that makes it easy to make money recommending and sharing products we find on Amazon.
And get this – it’s really FUN to do =)
For me, blogging is kinda like spending my “work” day “window shopping” on Amazon and then sharing the cool and helpful stuff I find on Amazon in my blog posts.
That’s the short version of how THIS blogger makes money.
There are MANY ways to make money blogging, but that is how I make money with THIS blog.
Now, let me answer a few questions that everyone asks me once they find out I work from home, for myself, as a blogger.
Ever since I’ve started this blog, MANY have asked me how they can make money with their OWN blog – just like I do.
That makes me SUPER happy!
I love being able to work from home on my little blog and make enough to help pay the bills.
Plus, being your own boss sure is nice!
Working when I can, and NOT having to work when I can’t, absolutely works for me and for my family.
• How Much Does Your Blog Make?
It’s natural for everyone to ask me how MUCH I make blogging… and how fast I started making money after I made this blog.
First off, it didn’t all happen overnight.
We all know there ain’t no such thing as “overnight millions” (unless you hit the lottery…lol!)
But it all happened pretty quickly.
And I really don’t have a lot of time to work on it – I only have 37 posts on my blog as I type this
Nope, I’m not “rich” (yet – ha!), but every month my blog earns more than the month before.
This month is on track to earn TWICE my “average” amount – and I’m super excited about that!
Naturally, most bloggers want to learn how to make $200 a DAY online – and that’s a darn good number to aim for!
• How Much Does Blogging Cost?
Another question people ask me is:
“Yeah, BUT – how much did you SPEND to start a blog?”
I think it’s a fair question – what’s crazy is that NO ONE believes me when I tell them how much I spent.
Ready for this?
Yes, you read that correctly – FOUR DOLLARS A MONTH.
That’s it – that’s all it takes to start a blog of your very own.
☑ Here’s where it’s cheapest to get started
that link above is who I use for this blog
• Is There Free Help To Get Started?
Now, that page might be confusing to you the first time you look at (I know it sure was for ME).
Here’s some free help:
This blog posts explains it all very clearly (it’s super helpful!)
• Free Blogging 101 Help For Beginners
– WHAT to blog ABOUT
– How blogs make money (hint: it’s FREE for you to do this!)
– How long until your blog starts making money
etc, etc, etc
If YOU have those questions about starting your own blog and making money from it like I did, can I make a suggestion to help you out?
I highly recommend this FREE Blogging 101 course below.
Just pop your email in there and you’re good to go!
Enter your email, then click the pink ‘Send It To Me Now!’ button… then go check your email.
For many moms (like ME), blogging is the perfect “home business” to start and that is YOUR business…
BUT, UNlike other types of businesses, with blogging, your time is flexible because YOU set your own hours.
Meaning: your blog is always working FOR you – even when YOU are NOT working.
That is called “passive income” – do the work (the blog posts) ONCE and then those posts work for YOU for months…years to come.
The start-up costs are next to nothing, it’s fun, and it’s something of your own that you can be proud of.
While no one can tell you, or promise, how much YOU will make blogging, it’s one of those rare home business options that YOUR results are a direct result of YOUR efforts.
I now know SO many other moms who blog at home on their own time to contribute to their family’s income – and many who have turned their blog into full-time or better income and are now the primary bread-winner in their homes.
It’s pretty amazing – and very inspiring!
Want to try something fun?
Think of a “domain name” and let’s see if it’s available for YOU to blog on.
what’s a ‘domain name’? – a domain name is the main website address for your site/blog. For example, MY domain name for this blog is
Try anything you can imagine and see if it’s available – you’re not buying anything (unless you decide you WANT to claim that domain name for YOUR new blog – then, you can choose to set things up – otherwise, it’s free, and fun, to play with)
And it’s fun to dream of owning your own piece of the internet for just a few bucks a month =)
If you’re still not sure if blogging could work for you, you really need to meet my friend, Suzi –
She will explain everything to you!

You can read her blog here – it’s super good!
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