Cluttered Messy Kitchen? 15 Kitchen Items To Declutter To The Trash TODAY

Declutter Your Kitchen Clutter FAST By Throwing AWAY These 15 Items –

Kitchen clutter SOLUTIONS to help you declutter – or downsize – your home.

Let’s talk about how to get rid of kitchen stuff and WHAT kitchen stuff to get rid of for a tidy kitchen.

Don’t just HIDE kitchen clutter, throw AWAY this list of kitchen clutter items. Clearing clutter is SO much easier with these Action Steps.
Cluttered Kitchen? 15 Kitchen Clutter Items To Throw Away NOW

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Kitchen Clutter

Kitchen clutter is just plain annoying – and somehow, it seems to multiply on its own.

If you’re like me, I tried for a long time to HIDE my kitchen clutter so my kitchen looked neat, organized and clutter-free – but that only lasted so long because I would run out space to hide stuff!

Let’s face it –

There’s only so long you can FAKE a clean house lol!

When you’re serious about purging your house of clutter, you’ll realize that the first step you MUST take when you decide to declutter is to THROW STUFF AWAY.

There simply is no way around this.

15 useless items to trash in your kitchen


clutter = crap

ie, crap you do NOT need!

Declutter your kitchen - how to declutter your kitchen FAST with this simple one-day (or less) declutter method.

Many people, myself included, feel stressed and overwhelmed by clutter.

Clutter causes anxiety – it’s like a mile-long To-Do list that is always in your face, isn’t it?

Feeling overwhelmed by not only your kitchen clutter, but clutter ALL in your house, is VERY overwhelming!

Just the sheer thought of what to keep and what to throw away is enough to keep us from even getting started! Read: how to declutter room by room WITHOUT feeling overwhelmed – it’s really helpful AND has some checklists and stuff to get you started.

Otherwise, let’s get to decluttering your kitchen the FAST and Easy Way…

So go grab a trash bag and let me show you things to throw away RIGHT now so you can declutter your kitchen right NOW.

Hidden Clutter In Your Kitchen

Did you know there is hidden clutter in your kitchen? There are 15 items/spaces in your kitchen that accumulate clutter – and you need to throw those things away!

Here’s where to find those 15 kitchen items that belong in the TRASH.

Kitchen clutter solutions to declutter your kitchen fast

Kitchen Declutter Action Steps

Let’s get into the Action Steps to declutter your kitchen.

The first step to decluttering your kitchen really fast is to THROW AWAY all the STUFF you do not need.

We both know there is clutter and random cr@p hidden all over your kitchen and in your pantry

and that’s OK! every “normal” kitchen is that way, too

The goal here is to THROW AWAY what you don’t need and then organize what’s left.

Insiders Tip:

These are my FAVORITE storage containers

They are airtight and they look GREAT sitting on my kitchen counters, in my cabinets and other storage spaces around my house!

I even use them for my desk and craft stuff - LOVE them!

 5-Piece POP Container SetsShow Me This POP Container Value SetsShow Me This


15 Items to Throw Away

Alrighty, here’s a list of 15 things (or bunches of things) in your kitchen you need to throw right in garbage can TODAY.

Ready? Let’s go!

Kitchen Cleaning Tips and Home Organization Hacks that WORK - Got kitchen clutter?  Trying to get clean and organized in your kitchen.  You'll have more room for kitchen storage and organization so you can STAY organized. Print and put this kitchen cleaning checklist in your household notebook and throw the clutter AWAY. These kitchen cleaning hacks work!

1. Open your utensil drawer. Throw away any broken or unused utensils. Just go do it.

2. Open your pantry – throw away anything expired. (if your pantry is decluttered and organized like this, it will only take you a minute).

declutter kitchen clutter pantry organization ideas on a budget

3. Go to your spice cabinet or spice rack and throw away any old/expired spices.

Kitchen clutter solutions - spice cabinet organization ideas to organize your kitchen on a budget

4. Open your Tupperware/storage container cabinet.

Yep, it’s a mess, isn’t it?

(we all have one of those cabinets).

Now, this is NOT the time to spend hours sorting through all your containers, looking for lids, etc…

What you want to do RIGHT NOW is throw away any broken containers, badly stained containers, etc.

Pretty much toss any container you’d be embarrassed to take to a family dinner

kitchen clutter solutions: declutter kitchen cabinets.  Organize your tupperware and plastic containers for an uncluttered kitchen on a budget

5. Look at your refrigerator…

See all those OLD notes, coupons, newspaper clippings, etc hanging ON your refrigerator?

Throw that all away.

If it’s sentimental, get a small box and put those things in the box for later.

If you absolutely MUST have pictures hanging on your refrigerator

(as I absolutely MUST do…lol!)

May I suggest one of these magnetic collage picture frames for your fridge?

Brilliant idea to help your kitchen look a lot neater when you're decluttering - a magnetic collage picture frame for your refrigerator
I found this magnetic collage frame here

Truly a genius idea for that one extra thing that makes your kitchen look a LOT less cluttered… and it’s really cool, too =)

I found the magnetic collage picture frame here.

6. Look at your kitchen sink – see all that STUFF sitting on the counter around it.

Put it away or throw it away.

Just look how BEAUTIFUL a kitchen sink area can look when all the CLUTTER is GONE and under the sink is neat and clutter-free!

kitchen clutter solutions - declutter kitchen cabinets and organize under kitchen sink for an uncluttered kitchen on a budget

How To Organize Under Your Sink

7. Open your medicine drawer or medicine cabinet.

Throw away all empty boxes, expired meds, etc and ORGANIZE that stuff!

Declutter kitchen medicine cabinet - kitchen clutter solutions!  how to organize the medicine cabinet

8. Go find where you keep your dish towels.

Throw away all the embarrassing ones that you never use (when anyone is looking).

If you MUST keep them, put them in your laundry room right now to save for cleaning rags.

kitchen clutter solutions - declutter kitchen countertops - dish towel storage and organization ideas on a budget

9. Open your junk drawer

(I know you have one – we all have one).

Throw away all those OLD ketchup packs and condiments you’ve been saving for some reason over the years.

Seriously, just trash them – they’re old and gross… and obviously you’re never going to use them.

kitchen clutter solutions - declutter kitchen cabinets and drawers and organize your junk drawer on a budget

If you feel a strong NEED to keep that clutter, read: Decluttering Tips for Pack Rats.

While in your junk drawer, throw away anything that is obviously junk or never used.

Don’t stress about it or overthink it, just DO it.

10. Look on TOP of your refrigerator… yep, you’ve got stuff there, too, don’t you?

Isn’t it amazing what accumulates up there and sure can clutter up your kitchen!


kitchen clutter solutions - declutter kitchen cabinets and organize top of fridge area on a budget

Reality Check!

Are YOU a Hoarder?

How To Know

11. Open the cabinet(s) where you keep your cups, coffee mugs and drinking glasses…

Throw away all those old plastic cups you’ve collected over the years from various events and to-go orders.

You don’t use them, you don’t need them, so toss em.

Also, look at your ceramic coffee mugs – throw away any that are chipped or broken.

declutter kitchen countertops with these kitchen clutter solutions - coffee bar ideas to organize kitchen counters on a budget

12. Find where you keep your pot holders – toss any that look horrible.

You know what I’m talking about – they’re stained beyond help, perhaps have burnt spots on them, etc.

Throw them away.

If you need NEW ones that are clean and presentable, start a list and add “new pot holders” (but only buy ONE set!)

One of the rules of decluttering is learning to live with LESS – trust me, you’ll be much happier with LESS STUFF.

13. Now, the part everyone seems to have the hardest time with:

Plastic grocery bags.

Listen to me:

You do NOT need all those grocery bags.

Even if there is a zombie apocalypse, those grocery bags are NOT going to help you!


If you REALLY feel the need to keep your plastic grocery bags for future use, at least keep them together, neatly, and out of sight with one of these plastic bag holders that hangs inside your cabinet door.

Declutter your kitchen with a plastic bag storage holder.  Plastic grocery bag storage ideas.

I found the plastic bag holder here

If you feel really guilty about “wasting” them, use them as the bags you’re using to throw away all your kitchen clutter!

Here’s a REALLY helpful tip:

Do this ’40 bags in 40 days’ declutter challenge!

It really works!

14. Take a good look at your kitchen counters…

Is there stuff all over them making your kitchen look cluttered and taking up valuable kitchen counter space?


If you don’t use it at least once a week, put it away.

If it’s broken or you never use it, throw it away.

15. Now, look at your kitchen table or kitchen island…

You and I both know there is stuff ALL over it – mail, bills, kid’s school stuff, etc etc ETC.

Throw it away or PUT it away where it goes.

Do it now… don’t dally over it, just do it.

declutter kitchen counters and countertops with these easy DIY kitchen clutter solutions

I imagine between your kitchen counters and your kitchen table, you accumulated a lot of stuff that you DO need.

Info about school, bills, important reminders, shopping lists, etc.

Now is a GREAT time to make your own family command center.

declutter kitchen clutter on counters and countertops with a DIY family command center idea like these

Take a look at these DIY command centers and make one.

It WILL keep you more organized AND keep your kitchen clutter-free.

Declutter your kitchen and KEEP it organized and clutter-free with a family command center on your kitchen wall.

I’m putting a version of a family command center in my new mudroom – it’s a great place to have one!

Have a Tiny Kitchen?

Small kitchens make decluttering and organizing an extra challenge. So much STUFF but never enough space, right?

Here are some super helpful tips and tricks for decluttering and organizing a very small kitchen:

Declutter kitchen clutter and every room in your home - how to declutter and organized if feeling overwhelmed by clutter - kitchen clutter solutions

More Clutter Solutions

Here are more clutter solutions, decluttering tips and organization ideas:

Kitchen clutter SOLUTIONS!  Declutter your kitchen pantry with these creative storage solutions for small spaces to declutter and organize your kitchen pantry even if you're overwhelmed or organizing on a budget

Declutter Your Pantry in 3 Simple Steps

DIY Linen Closet Organization Ideas

How To Declutter Toys the EASY Way

Simple Yet GENIUS Ideas To Organize Under the Kitchen Sink

✅  Recommended:

declutter challenge binder printables

(image above links to a LOT of declutter challenge printables, cleaning schedules and MUCH more!)

My House Was a MESS!
And my anxiety was through the roof!

I needed a plan to get it together - it was all pushing me over the edge.

Thing is - we LIVE here... I never had the fantasy that my home would ever look "Pinterest perfect".

I simply wanted more control, less clutter and much less anxiety.

I finally found something that worked for ME.
  • My house is now easier to clean - I can now clean it in minutes, instead of hours.
  • I can now actually FIND the things I'm looking for.
  • I learned some simple decluttering systems that make me much more efficient every day - and I'm more relaxed and less overwhelmed all the time (finally)
  • My house now looks pretty darn good almost all the time.
  • Best of all - I no longer stress about guests unexpectedly showing up.
Turns out, it was so much easier to do than I ever expected.

This is how I did it.

Kitchen Clutter Solutions - how to get rid of kitchen stuff and WHAT kitchen stuff to get rid of for a tidy kitchen. How to hide kitchen clutter - declutter kitchen minimalist style - what to keep on kitchen island and how to declutter the kitchen counter, cabinets and pantry for clearing clutter in your kitchen - list of things to get rid of kitchen
Declutter your kitchen right NOW - 15 things to throw away in your kitchen RIGHT NOW to declutter and organize your kitchen super fast.

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kitchen clutter solutions

Kitchen Clutter - What To Throw Away to Declutter Your Kitchen FAST

Kitchen Clutter SOLUTIONS - These clever kitchen clutter solutions will create a stunning before and after in your house. Too much kitchen clutter? Here's what to keep and what to throw away

Cluttered house? Messy cluttered kitchen?  Try these kitchen decluttering ideas, cleaning hacks and cleaning checklists to declutter your kitchen FAST!  Don't know where to START organizing your cluttered kitchen?  Try these ideas for organizing clutter in your kitchen for clutter free countertops.  Uncluttering your kitchen without feeling overwhelmed has never been so easy with these home organization hacks for your kitchen from professional organizers.
Cluttered house? Messy cluttered kitchen?  Try these kitchen decluttering ideas, cleaning hacks and cleaning checklists to declutter your kitchen FAST!  Don't know where to START organizing your cluttered kitchen?  Try these ideas for organizing clutter in your kitchen for clutter free countertops.  Uncluttering your kitchen without feeling overwhelmed has never been so easy with these home organization hacks for your kitchen from professional organizers.
Cluttered house? Messy cluttered kitchen?  Try these kitchen decluttering ideas, cleaning hacks and cleaning checklists to declutter your kitchen FAST!  Don't know where to START organizing your cluttered kitchen?  Try these ideas for organizing clutter in your kitchen for clutter free countertops.  Uncluttering your kitchen without feeling overwhelmed has never been so easy with these home organization hacks for your kitchen from professional organizers.
15 Kitchen Items to Throw Away Right NOW
15 things in your kitchen you need to throw away right now
declutter kitchen checklist