Easy-Peasy DIY Junk Drawer Organizing Tips To Organize ALL That STUFF In Your Catch-All Utility Drawer.
How to organize your junk drawer the EASY way. These junk drawer organizing tips are sure to get your “catch everything” drawer decluttered and organized super fast. If you love EASY drawer organization ideas, these DIY ideas are for you!

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When it comes to decluttering and organizing drawers, the junk drawer has GOT to be the biggest pain point for all homeowners.
EVERYTHING ends up in the junk drawer and it’s always a cluttered mess.
With a few clever ideas and some random items you probably already have around your house, you can organize your kitchen junk drawer quickly, easily – and very inexpensively!
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Here are some of my favorite drawer organizing ideas that really helped me (all the tutorials, DIY instructions and video below).
Declutter and Organize the Junk Drawer
I was looking for something the other day in my junk drawer and thought, wow, this is really REALLY messy!
I had packing tape and cords and MORE cords and chargers and coozies and birthday cake candles and… and… So Much STUFF!
How in the WORLD did it get that way!?!?
You may think that a junk drawer is a catch all for anything and everything, but you actually CAN have an organized junk drawer and still put lots of things in it.
I’ve come up with some tips on how I started to organize this drawer of mine so that when I’m looking for something or can’t find something I know where it is.
Junk Drawer Organizing Tips
I started off by taking all of my takeout menus and stapling them together.
I only kept about 10 of them (most places are are DoorDash or UberEats now) – the menus I kept are all stuck together by one staple at the top.
Most people can toss ALL of those these days, but there are a few I like to keep to see their FULL menu.
The next thing that I had in there that had to be organized were warranty books for new appliances, electric appliances such as microwaves, etc.
I took all of these booklets and receipts and did stick them in a binder.
I then took that binder and stuck it on my bookcase in my home office next to **my Important Documents Binder**.
Any time I need to find a warranty receipt or a user’s guide for something that is in the kitchen I know just where to look.
I had lots of batteries rolling around in the junk drawer so I found an old popcorn tin and stuck them in there.
It helps me to avoid looking all over for batteries since they are now in one place – yay!
I also took my little screwdrivers and nails and put them in a zip log bag so when I have to do some nailing or screwing in the kitchen I can just grab the bag.
Candles, matches and a heavy duty flashlight remain in there so if the power goes out I can easily get to my lights and not have to stumble around the place trying to find it.
Junk Drawer Organizers
There are some other miscellaneous items in the junk drawer but since I followed the above tips I don’t dread looking in there anymore. It’s actually quite pleasant since I can now easily find things.
These simple 6 steps below help me FINALLY get my junk drawer under control and NOT just organizing the clutter.

6 Step Junk Drawer Organization
1. Open the junk drawer and take (or dump) everything out (everything!).
2. Thoroughly clean the inside of the drawer.
3. Now, deal with the contents. Pick up one item at a time – clean it if necessary.
4. Now, take a moment to decide:
[a] Does this item belong in this junk drawer?
[b] Do you use it or need it?
[c] Is it trash?
5. When you know if this item belongs in your junk drawer, in the trash, or somewhere else – put it there.
6. After dealing with each item you can now organize the items that actually belong in your junk drawer.
It’s really that easy. The hard part is STARTING.
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My House Was a MESS!
And my anxiety was through the roof!
I needed a plan to get it together - it was all pushing me over the edge.
Thing is - we LIVE here... I never had the fantasy that my home would ever look "Pinterest perfect".
I simply wanted more control, less clutter and much less anxiety.
I finally found something that worked for ME.
- My house is now easier to clean - I can now clean it in minutes, instead of hours.
- I can now actually FIND the things I'm looking for.
- I learned some simple decluttering systems that make me much more efficient every day - and I'm more relaxed and less overwhelmed all the time (finally)
- My house now looks pretty darn good almost all the time.
- Best of all - I no longer stress about guests unexpectedly showing up.
This is how I did it.

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