My 10 Minute Decluttering Challenge-It’s Weird, but it WORKS!

What can you declutter in only 10 minutes?

Turns out, you can declutter a LOT when you try my 10 Minute Decluttering Challenges below.

This is an odd way to “sprint” declutter, but let me tell you this – it WORKS.

Here’s how I do it…

10 Minute Decluttering Challenges - my 10 minute challenge for extreme decluttering quickly for serious decluttering progress in your home

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You’ll be AMAZED at how much you can declutter quickly in only TEN MINUTES – you CAN do this, too! Here’s how my 10 minute decluttering challenges work…

So, I got an Apple Watch.

I SWORE I would never EVER get on THAT bandwagon…

but here I am, wearing an Apple Watch.

And guess what?

I’m almost ashamed to say…


Now, I did NOT spend the crazy amount of hundreds of dollars that many have spent on their latest and greatest Apple Watch.

I got the cheapest type available.

I got this one.

And it’s perfect for me.

It still does all the things – it just costs less.

In fact, it costs MUCH less.

(and yes, it’s a brand NEW Apple Watch – it’s not refurbished or used or anything)

I also got some cute (and cheap) watch face protectors and watch bands ’cause ya know, a girl’s watch has gotta match her outfit, right? lol!

C’mom, how cute is this sunflower watch band?!?

My sunflower Apple Watch band - I wear my Apple Watch for all my 10 minute decluttering challenges. It really helps declutter my home AND close all my fitness rings!

(note: the big “75” number is my remaining battery – I’ve been testing things to prolong how long my Apple watch battery lasts between charges – and that 75% is since charging it YESTERDAY MORNING – woot woot!)


Why am I talking about my new Apple Watch in a post about Decluttering Challenges?

Trust me, it all will make sense here in just a sec.

Do you see those circles the purple arrow points to in this picture of the Apple Watch I bought?

10 Minute Decluttering Challenges You Can Do To Close the Circles on Your Apple Watch AND Declutter Your House.

Those are the Apple Watch Fitness Rings.

The goal is to close those rings every, single day.

  • The Red Ring is your “Move” ring
  • – based on your height/weight, the watch will give you a goal of how much you should move each day (based on how many calories you should burn).

  • The Green Ring is your “Fitness” Ring
  • – it defaults to wanting you to exercise for 30 minutes a day

    (I’ll complain about THAT in a minute lol!)

  • The Blue Ring is your “Stand” Ring
  • – the watch wants you to stand up – AND move- for at least a minute or 2 every hours for 12 hours of each day

(that might sound easy to you, but it’s really a challenge when you work at a desk all day!)

Since I got my watch, it has been my goal to close those rings every single day.

The red “Move” ring is easy enough.

The blue “Stand” ring is a pain in my you-know-what, but I totally get WHY I should do it… so I do it.

But that green ring – the EXERCISE ring has been a real wing-dinger for me.

I’m not an exercise kinda gal.

If you see me running, I promise you – someone is chasing me!

So I brainstormed on how *I* can get those 30 minutes of exercise each day to close my green ring on my watch.


10 Minute Decluttering Challenges

(see, I told you it was all gonna make sense haha!)

I do three 10-minute decluttering challenges a day…and that equals… 30 minutes!

Three times I day I do 10 minutes of extreme decluttering – meaning, I clean and declutter quickly with purpose and quick movement.

You know what?

It’s kinda fun =)

The first day, I was like…

“I’ll just go empty the dishwasher…

Maybe declutter the mail.”

So I did…

Surely THAT will take up 10 minutes, right?


You know how long it takes to empty the dishwasher?

2 minutes – tops.

Seriously, go in your kitchen right now and set a timer – now empty your dishwasher (and move with purpose).

I bet you’re done in 2 minutes… maybe 3 minutes.

I have to admit, I was shocked.

To think how many times I put off emptying the dishwasher because it was going to “take too long”.


You will be shocked at how much you can clean and declutter in only 10 MINUTES – shocked!

It took me a few days to get my 10 minute decluttering challenges down to where it also closed the green Fitness ring on my Apple watch, but I got it going on now.

I ordered my watch on the 12th…

Got it and set it up late on the 13th…

So the 14th is the first day I wore my Apple watch all day long.

As you can see in my Fitness app chart below, it took me a few days to make this work for ME.

But, I’m proud to say, I’m closing ALL my fitness rings on my watch every day since I decided to challenge myself to declutter 3 times a day for only 10 minutes each time.

10 minute decluttering challenges help me declutter my home AND close all my Apple Watch fitness rings every day
My 10 minute decluttering challenges help me declutter my home AND close all my Apple Watch fitness rings every day

We all know the benefits of decluttering and having a clean house, but let me tell you something…

I didn’t realize just how good *I* would feel doing my 10 minute decluttering challenges system.

Sure, I’ve been staying on top of clutter and my house looks a LOT better, BUT…

I physically feel good.

My mood is better.

My stress level is down.

I eat better.

I sleep MUCH better.

The benefits to ME are really surprising.

I strongly recommend giving it a try.

It’s just TEN MINUTES…

3 times a day.

That’s it.

Trust me – you CAN do it.

My 10 Minute Decluttering Challenges

Declutter your home QUICKLY with my 10 minute decluttering challenges - they work!  Overwhelmed by clutter? Here's the fast way to declutter your home in only 10 minutes - here's how to do it

Ready to give my 10-minute decluttering challenges a try?

Let’s do this!

First off, turn on some music that makes you feel upbeat and happy.

I have a playlist on my Sonos system of songs that all make me want to get up and move – they’re FUN songs – and that’s what you need.

Secondly, put on SHOES.

Putting on shoes is a simple hack you can do to help you get motivated to clean – and it really does help!

I have these cute running shoes that I wear (and you’re correct, I do NOT run – but these shoes make me FEEL active)

just a sidenote about these running shoes if you’re curious – they DO fit true to size. I’m an 8 and I bought an 8 – and they fit perfect. They will stretch out a little over time, but are still my favorite shoes.

If you do NOT have an Apple Watch, just get yourself a timer or set the timer on your microwave, whatever – just be sure it’s a timer you can HEAR when it goes off.

You’re only doing this for 10 minutes – and that’s it.

Now, if you DO have an Apple watch – or plan to get one (this is the one I got), here’s how I do it.

1 – Open your “workout” app

10 minute decluttering challenges step 1

2 – Select your workout to be ‘Other’

10 minute decluttering challenges step 2

3 – Tap “Time”

10 minute decluttering challenges step 3

4 – Set the time for 10 minutes

10 minutes decluttering challenges step 4

5 – Tap “Start”

Your watch will count down 3….2…..1….

Now – GO!

The goal here is to get UP and declutter or clean something somewhere in your house for only 10 minutes.

Your watch will let you know when you’re half way done – and then alert you when you are done.

And when your 10 minutes is up – STOP.

WHAT should you declutter in your 10 minute challenges?

Personally, I “sprint” declutter – I press “start” on my watch and start decluttering or cleaning the first thing I see.

I like to make these 10 minutes active as opposed to standing in one place decluttering my paper piles.

I want to MOVE.

(cranking up fun music REALLY helps!)

I’ll walk briskly into my room, gather up a load of laundry, take it to the washer and start the load…

Then I’ll dance on into the kitchen and clear any clutter, wipe down counters, empty the sink, etc.

Sometimes, my 10 minute declutter challenge is vacuum the entire downstairs – or mop.

Other challenges are to sprint clean a bathroom or declutter the bedroom, etc.

Some days, I use all 3 10-minutes sessions to declutter ONE area –

For example, the other day I used all 3 to declutter and organize the garage.

Usually after my first 10 minute session for the day, I start to mentally plan what I’ll do for my next 10 minutes – and I look FORWARD to it.

It’s weird how that works – but it really happens!

I can get a ton done in only 10 minutes – there’s something about that timer setting a boundary for me or something, but it really works to keep me moving.

All it takes is 10 minutes…

3 times a day.

That’s it.

Your home will look WAY better AND…

YOU will FEEL much better.

Try it – let me know how it works for you!

✅   Want to plan AND keep track of what you clean and declutter?

Get these cleaning checklists and planners.

The BEST house cleaning checklists, cleaning schedules and housekeeping printables. This cleaning planner will help you keep your house clean WITHOUT feeling overwhelmed.

Is 10 Minutes Too Much?

If decluttering for 10 minutes at a time is too much for you right now, that’s totally ok.

How about a FIVE-minute declutter?

My Stuff I Mentioned Above:

 My Apple WatchShow Me This My Watch BandsShow Me This My “Running” ShoesShow Me This


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