Cleaning Schedule Layouts for Your Bullet Journal •
One of my favorite and most useful bullet journal ideas is a bullet journal cleaning schedule I personally make for MY housecleaning and home maintenance needs – it sure keeps me SO productive and my home stays clean and organized. In fact, a cleaning schedule layout in my bullet journal is one of my favorite speed cleaning tips.
If you’re looking for some simple – or fancy – cleaning schedule layout ideas for YOUR bullet journal, take a look at these ideas below.
Bullet Journal Cleaning Schedule Layout Pictures
Why Use a Bullet Journal Cleaning Schedule?
A bullet journal is a great way to keep track of your house cleaning tasks and home maintenance needs. Just about anyone can benefit from a house cleaning page in their bullet journal if they’re serious about getting organized.
To me, a cleaning schedule is a like a cleaning cheat sheet that keeps me on task AND motivates me get the house cleaned (even when I’m feeling overwhelmed).
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Here are 3 more reasons I find my cleaning schedule in my bullet journal SO helpful:
A Bullet Journal Cleaning Schedule Makes You Plan Ahead
As you make out your daily cleaning and housekeeping chores, you have to think about what you should be working on and what needs to get done. This makes you plan ahead and think things through instead of aimlesslessly going through the cleaning motions yet not really get anything done.
A little bit of planning can help you make progress that much faster and it will boost your overall productivity. If you find daily to-do lists helpful, give a bullet journal cleaning list a try as a way to get even more productive faster.
Some people find it helpful to make out their next day’s cleaning list at the end of the day. Others prefer to make out their cleaning schedule first thing in the morning, while they are drinking coffee and getting ready for the day. Both are valid approaches. Give both a try and see what works for you.
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A Bullet Journal Cleaning Schedule Motivates You To Get Stuff Done
Once you have your daily cleaning tasks recorded, you’ll be motivated to work on checking them off. This will greatly increase your productivity in several different ways.
The first is that you know exactly what you should be cleaning. You won’t waste time figuring out what your next step is, or sit there and watch cat videos instead of getting your house cleaned and your daily chores done.
The daily list of cleaning tasks will also make you push just a little harder to make sure everything gets done before you call it a day. Try it and see how much more you can get done in a day with a daily cleaning list in your bullet journal.
My House Was a MESS!
And my anxiety was through the roof!
I needed a plan to get it together - it was all pushing me over the edge.
Thing is - we LIVE here... I never had the fantasy that my home would ever look "Pinterest perfect".
I simply wanted more control, less clutter and much less anxiety.
I finally found something that worked for ME.
- My house is now easier to clean - I can now clean it in minutes, instead of hours.
- I can now actually FIND the things I'm looking for.
- I learned some simple decluttering systems that make me much more efficient every day - and I'm more relaxed and less overwhelmed all the time (finally)
- My house now looks pretty darn good almost all the time.
- Best of all - I no longer stress about guests unexpectedly showing up.
This is how I did it.
A Bullet Journal Is A Great Way To SEE Your Progress
Last but not least, a bullet journal house cleaning schedule is a great record of what you’ve been doing on a daily basis.
Set aside a little time to look through your notes at the end of the week or the month. Reflect on what’s working and what isn’t. Where do you need to work harder, what can you stop doing.
Use the record your bullet journal cleaning schedule gives you to improve your processes and housecleaning chores. In no time, you will have an easy-to-follow house cleaning process that helps you keep your home decluttered and organized.
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