Small Bedroom Storage-Tiny Bedroom Storage Ideas On a Budget

• Storage Solutions for Even the Teeny-Tiniest Bedroom When You’re on a Teeny-Tiny Budget • Staying organized in small spaces (like a small bedroom or small college dorm room) is hard – especially when you have too much STUFF. Learn how to declutter all the random junk in your room with these clever organizing tips and home decor storage and organization ideas for small bedrooms. Easy ways to declutter your clutter from organized chaos to neat, clean, tidy and clutter-free.

small bedroom storage ideas - apartment bedroom storage ideas (creative ideas for dorm rooms and other small spaces - Clever storage ideas for small bedrooms - even on a budget

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When you have a small bedroom with a lot of stuff, you might feel as if there is NO way you’ll be able to fit ALL that stuff into your teeny-tiny bedroom especially if you’re on a budget.

With a little creativity and some clever DIY storage ideas, you can make a LOT of storage space in even the smallest of bedrooms.

small bedroom and apartment bedroom storage ideas

Rule #1 for maximizing space in a small bedroom, just like in a small kitchen or ANY small room, is to look up, look down, look under, look over – when you really look at your room, you’ll start to see that there are SO many potential storage spaces in your room that you’re not taking advantage of.

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Rule #2 when you want to utilize space in a small bedroom smartly is to take a long, honest look at the current furniture and set up in your room. You probably have furniture and other stuff in your room that takes UP space, but does NOT offer you additional storage space.

Let’s take a look at some super creative (and clever) ideas for getting more storage in your small bedroom.

I think this first idea is SO brilliant!

You can simply hang cheap folding chairs like these on your wall – when you OPEN the chair, you have instant shelves AND extra space for hanging clothes.


Small bedroom storage ideas - hang cheap folding chairs on your wall - when you OPEN the chair, you have instant shelves AND extra storage space for hanging clothes - Creative Storage Ideas for Small Bedrooms

This next storage maximizing idea for your bedroom is something not many people think about.

Even a chair for your desk or makeup vanity can take up precious room.

If you use a shelving system like this as your make up table and REMOVE the middle shelf, you can scoot a short stool like this one UNDER your make up table.

NOW you have not only more storage space in your small bedroom, but you also created more SPACE.

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Small Bedroom Storage Ideas - Creative Storage Ideas for Small Bedrooms

Here’s a cheap storage idea for my make-up loving small bedroom gals – have a ton of makeup that is EVERYWHERE in your room?

Get a cheap over the door type of shoe holder and use it to hold AND organize your makeup.

Small bedroom organization and storage ideas on a budget -Get a cheap over the door type of shoe holder and use it to hold AND organize your makeup. -Small Bedroom Storage Ideas - Creative Storage Ideas for Small Bedrooms

Cheap AND useful, right?

Here’s more ideas:

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When you’re working to create more storage space in your bedroom, you don’t need to get all expensive and fancy-dancy. Even cheap dollar store organizers and containers can make for cute ways to organize your things.

Small bedroom organization and storage ideas on a budget - cheap dollar store organizers and containers can make for cute ways to organize your things -Small Bedroom Storage Ideas - Creative Storage Ideas for Small Bedrooms

And now a tip for my fellow shoe lovers. Seriously, it’s simply NOT possible to have TOO many pairs of shoes, is it?

If you have a small bedroom WITHOUT a closet – or you simply don’t have ENOUGH space in your small closet for your shoes, try this idea – just hang some floating shelves like these on a corner wall in your bedroom to store your shoes.

Bonus – it will be MUCH easier to find your shoes AND to put them back where they belong.

Small bedroom organization and storage ideas on a budget -hang some floating shelves on a corner wall in your bedroom to store your shoes -Small Bedroom Storage Ideas - Creative Storage Ideas for Small Bedrooms

To me, this next idea for more storage space in a small bedroom is one of the most obvious, yet the most overlooked.

UNDER the bed. Get that bed UP and off the ground and take advantage of all that additional storage space you now have!

I REALLY like these drawers for under your bed – they roll and have cute chalkboard labels!

I think those would look super cute AND not only provide more storage space but also help you STAY organized.

 Under Bed OrganizersGet More Info Under Bed Storage IdeasGet More Info Small Space Storage IdeasGet More Info


It’s SO important to use ALL the creative storage solutions for small spaces you possibly can.

DIY Small bedroom organization and storage ideas on a budget - Small Bedroom Storage Ideas - Creative Storage Ideas for Small Bedrooms #gettingorganized

Like cheap organization ideas? How about this – get some old wooden crates, spray paint them, and hang them on your wall.

PRESTO – instant storage space! And it LOOKS super cute.

I just love unique ideas – like these craft storage ideas using unexpected items.

Small bedroom organization and storage ideas on a budget - get some old wooden crates, spray paint and hang on your wall - Small Bedroom Storage Ideas - Creative Storage Ideas for Small Bedrooms get some old wooden crates, spray paint and hang on your wall - Small Bedroom Storage Ideas - Creative Storage Ideas for Small Bedrooms #gettingorganized

Now most of us have some sort of nightstand in our bedroom – BUT is your nightstand working FOR you – or against you?

Every piece of furniture in a small bedroom has to be multi-functional. Meaning: it needs to do it’s job AND provide more storage space.

If your nightstand next to your bed ALSO has shelves, now you have a piece of furniture that is truly helping your storage situation.

Small bedroom organization and storage ideas on a budget - Small Bedroom Storage Ideas - Creative Storage Ideas for Small Bedrooms #gettingorganized

I think these shelves with baskets would work PERFECTLY!

Now this next idea, it has NOTHING to do with storage OR to do with small bedrooms – I just love it and want to share it!

Small bedroom organization and storage ideas on a budget - cute idea for the bedroom wall or as a gift

Want more?

Take a look at these storage ideas for small homes

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DIY small bedroom storage ideas - Staying organized in small spaces (like a small bedroom or small college dorm room) is hard when you have too much STUFF.How to declutter all the random junk in your bedroom with creative organizing tips and home storage and organization ideas for small bedrooms.  Easy ways to declutter your clutter from cluttered mess to organized success

Small bedroom organization and storage ideas on a budget - Small bedroom Storage HACKS - get more storage space in a small bedroom
