One of my favorite home care routines is Spring cleaning – weird, right? There’s just something about getting the house clean and fresh for the season change that makes me HAPPY.
As a Spring cleaning “warm up”, I do a 7 day decluttering blitz through my home to get rid of stuff that has accumulated over the winter. Let me show you how it’s done.

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Introducing the 7-Day Spring Clean Out Action Plan. It’s a super simple “mini declutter” strategy that is so rewarding to do.
Basically, you’re taking just a few minutes a day for a week to go through specific small areas of your home and QUICKLY grab things that you do not want (or need) anymore.
Then, you donate them (or sell them).
Obviously, the things you choose to get rid of should still be usable and in good condition that someone ELSE might want, but no longer serve a purpose for YOU.
Once you have gone through the 7-day Spring Clean Out, you can either take your items to donate (I take them to Goodwill) or… have a Yard Sale and SELL THEM.
Once that STUFF is out of your house, your house will be ready for a Spring Deep Clean… and it’ll be a LOT easier to clean without having to organize clutter so you CAN clean.
So, let me tell you how it works.
Day 1 – Your Closet
Take just a few minutes with a big trashbag and head to your closet.
Grab anything and everything you see that you KNOW you do not wear anymore and put it in the bag.
Don’t drag this process out – it’s NOT the time to be trying clothes on or color-coding your closet – this is a BLITZ – get in there and get it done.
Day 2 – Your Kitchen
Now, head to your kitchen – open the cabinets and quickly grab the THINGS that are taking up space and no longer used.
Again, you’re not cleaning now – you’re just doing a quick blitz.
Day 3 – Holiday Stuff
We both know we all have WAY more Christmas and holiday decorating stuff than we will EVER need – but someone who has nothing would sure love are unused items.
Quickly go through your Holiday decor and knick-nacks and put them in a box or bag.
Day 4 – Toys
Today is “Toy Day” – and these “toys” can be kid’s toys and/or YOUR toys.
I’ve talked in-depth about how to declutter kid’s toys here, but this is a quick “you’ll never play with this again / outgrown this” type of declutter.
Do the same for the grown up toys like old electronics or small appliances or gizmos etc – get rid of those unused/unwanted items too.
Day 5 – The Office
Today you will hop into your home office (or office area, or homeschooling area, or craft room etc) and gather up all the totally useful items that you no longer want or need.
Don’t be trying to declutter your paper piles now – just cruise on through the room or area and grab stuff.
Day 6 – The TV and Gaming Area
Over time, we all accumulate old movies and/or video games – or even old gaming console system thingys that are just collecting dust.
Grab all those items up and put them in a box or bag so they can be passed along to someone who WILL use them.
Day 7 – Books
Alrighty, the LAST day… but for some of us, it’s kinda hard if you’re a lover of REAL books like I am. But today is the day to reduce your collection so they can go to someone else to love.
Not just hardcover books, but things like old text books, paperbacks and educational items can go too.
Now, you are DONE with your 7-Day Spring Clean Out BLITZ!
Hopefully, you made this a very NON-emotional process.
For me, I simply think of it as clearing out MY home to help the home of another – that helps me when I start to feel guilty getting rid of useful items.
Naturally, you can modify the daily “blitz” areas for your own 7-Day Spring Clean Out so it makes sense for your home and the areas that tend to accumulate clutter the quickest.
I gotta let you know though, I didn’t come up with this specific plan, I learned it from the good folks at Goodwill.
That’s my favorite local place to donate – you can find a Goodwill donation center near you on this page.
Here’s the full 7-Day Spring Clean Out Action Plan in one pretty picture – be sure to save it to Pinterest so you always have it handy.
You’ve got 7 days worth of STUFF… now what?
At this point, it’s decision making time… will you donate those items?
Or, will you sell them?
✅ Helpful:
– How Have a Yard Sale That Makes THOUSANDS
– How To Get Cash For Your Clutter
Spring Cleaning Action Plan
The good folks at MicroFiberWholesale have these really helpful Spring cleaning tips and tricks that are totally worth a save to your Cleaning Hacks board on Pinterest:
Use these house cleaning tips….
To Spring clean your entire house room by room:
LOTS of great tips to remember!
✅ Recommended:
My House Was a MESS!
And my anxiety was through the roof!
I needed a plan to get it together - it was all pushing me over the edge.
Thing is - we LIVE here... I never had the fantasy that my home would ever look "Pinterest perfect".
I simply wanted more control, less clutter and much less anxiety.
I finally found something that worked for ME.
- My house is now easier to clean - I can now clean it in minutes, instead of hours.
- I can now actually FIND the things I'm looking for.
- I learned some simple decluttering systems that make me much more efficient every day - and I'm more relaxed and less overwhelmed all the time (finally)
- My house now looks pretty darn good almost all the time.
- Best of all - I no longer stress about guests unexpectedly showing up.
This is how I did it.

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