Declutter and Organize! 10 Easy Decluttering and Organizing Tips From the Pros

10 Easy-Peasy Decluttering Tips… Step by Step – Ready to completely declutter and organize your home the EASY way? You can easily declutter and organize your home thanks to these 10 helpful and SIMPLE decluttering and organizing tips! Trust me, you will LOVE the extra space and your uncluttered rooms when you create a clutter-free home with these simple little tips.

declutter and organize your home with these 10 helpful decluttering and organizing tips! You will adore the extra space and clean areas when you create a clutter-free home.

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10 Easy Ways To Declutter and Organize

Easy decluttering tips - Organizing Ideas For The Home - Decluttering Ideas if you're feeling overwhelmed - where to start decluttering and organizing your messy house - decluttering step by step to declutter and organize without feeling overwhelmed

  1. 5 Minute Declutter and Organize Hack – Try out these 5-minute decluttering tips by Leo Babauta of There are 18 to choose from. You can do one a day or all 18! The specific tips will make your life easier and your room cleaner.
  2.  The Minimalist HomeGet More Info Storage Organizer CartsGet More Info Konmari Method TipsGet More Info


  3. Get Rid of It Challenge – You can reduce your stuff and fet your clutter under control one day at a time thanks to Colleen Madsen of 365 Less Things. Opt to get rid of ONE item every single day for a year. This is ideal if you find it hard to get rid of your belongings because you don’t know WHAT to get rid of.

  4. Not Sure Where To Start?

    ☑ Read: Decluttering Tips for Hoarders

    Decluttering tips and Organizing Ideas For The Home - Decluttering Ideas if you're feeling overwhelmed - where to start decluttering and organizing your messy house - decluttering step by step to declutter and organize without feeling overwhelmed

  5. Fill It Up Challenge – Grab a big black trash bag (these contractor grade bags are PERFECT), fill it up, and remove it from your home right away. Whether it is garbage, recyclables, or donations, see how quickly you can fill that large bag – and what a DIFFERENCE it makes.
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  7. Do What Oprah Does – Give the Oprah Winfrey Closet Hanger Experiment a try. Although she did not invent the idea, she definitely publicizes its effectiveness. Hang all of your clothes in your closet with the hangers in the reverse direction of what they normally would be. After you wear a piece, return it to the closet with the hanger facing the correct direction. After six months or a year, you will be able to see what clothes you do not wear. You can discard these items from your wardrobe.

  8. TIP: Know what Oprah LOVES for organizing in her home?

    This expandable drawer organizer:

    Drawer Organizer that Oprah LOVES - expandable drawer organizer to declutter and organize drawers

    I found her drawer organizer here.

  9. Immediate Gratification Challenge – Make a list of the areas in your home that need attention and start with the easiest place to declutter. According to Dana Byers, after you organize that one specific area, stop! The spot may be a drawer, closet, or an entire room. By making a list, you will get everything done based upon your available schedule.

  10. Declutter by the Dozen Challenge – Have you ever heard of the 12-12-12 challenge? Identify 12 items to throw away, 12 items to donate, and 12 items to be returned to their proper place. It is a fast and easy way to organize 36 belongings. Make it a challenge for your spouse and children, too; it can be fun!
  11. Decluttering Step By Step - Organizing Ideas For The Home - Decluttering Ideas if you're feeling overwhelmed - where to start decluttering and organizing your messy house - decluttering step by step to declutter and organize without feeling overwhelmed

  12. Remove “Clutter Blindness” – You may have gotten used to the clutter in your home, but you need to change your perspective and take a good look at your space. According to Erin Doland, there are a number of ways to see the clutter in your home that you have become blind to. For example, you can take pictures of your home, have your nieces or nephews play over for a couple hours, or invite your boss to your home office. You will start to see your cluttered areas in a different light.
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  14. Take Tips from Minimalists – You don’t have to BE a “minimalist”, but you can sure challenge yourself to live with less! You can experiment with numbers like the Project 333 by Courtney Carver – or any number that YOU like (remember, we gotta make it fun, right?)

    To declutter your clothes, try this:

    For 3 months, try to wear only 33 articles of clothing. If this seems impossible, switch up your numbers. However, the point is to live with just the essentials in order to determine what excessive items you do not need.

  15. Clothes organization and closet organization ideas - Easy Decluttering Tips and Organizing Ideas For The Home - Decluttering Ideas if you're feeling overwhelmed - where to start decluttering and organizing your messy house - decluttering step by step to declutter and organize without feeling overwhelmed

  16. Put a $ Amount To It – Create situations that force you to use your imagination. If you have trouble removing unnecessary items from your home, create a scenario about the particular merchandise. According to Jim Davies, Ph.D. of Psychology Today, you can propose unique questions like “How much is this worth? If I was buying this today, how much would I spend on it?”
  17.  Clutter OrganizersGet More Info Turn Clutter To CashGet More Info Clutter BasketsGet More Info


  18. The 4 Box Clutter Challenge – Try the four-box method, which involves bringing four boxes to one room in your home. One is for trash, another for donations, items to keep, and finally items to relocate. Consider every single item in a room without overlooking anything, and determine the box it belongs in.
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Easy decluttering tips and Organizing Ideas For The Home - Decluttering Ideas if you're feeling overwhelmed - where to start decluttering and organizing your messy house - decluttering step by step to declutter and organize without feeling overwhelmed

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Organizing Ideas For The Home - Decluttering Ideas if you're feeling overwhelmed - where to start decluttering and organizing your messy house - decluttering step by step to declutter and organize without feeling overwhelmed

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