Feeling overwhelmed by CLUTTER in your messy house? Not sure where to START cleaning? Let me tell you this: You are NOT alone! So many people struggle with clutter EVERYWHERE in their homes.
HAVING clutter is nothing to feel bad about – there’s nothing wrong with YOU, ok? Instead, let’s focus our energy on DOING something about it.
Let me show you how to declutter and organize ANY room in 3 simple steps with this easy decluttering plan of ACTION so you can take those first steps to getting your clutter under control.

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Ready to learn how to declutter ANY room FAST?
This quick 3-step strategy will show you how to declutter a room super fast (in 15-30 minutes) when you simply have to do it quickly.
To me, it’s the best way to declutter a room and helps ME a lot.
How To Declutter a Room FAST
You know those times when you find out you’re about to have unexpected company?
Talk about STRESS and feeling overwhelmed, right?
Or… even worse…
You’re just plain EXHAUSTED of the whole stinkin’ MESS.
You are at the point where you absolutely can NOT stand the clutter anymore – and you want to straighten it up for YOU.
Sure, I know – you really want to know how to declutter your HOME in 15 minutes a day, but let me show you how to declutter any ROOM quickly and how to clean FAST.
If you are in a rush to organize and declutter any room quickly, here’s how I do it.
How to declutter your room in 15-30 minutes flat
1: Trash It
See all that stuff lying around on your floor? Whether it’s clutter, magazines, old newspapers, the kid’s toys, laundry or just plain garbage – it needs to GO.
Whatever the item is in question, you need to get it OFF the floor and in your “Does NOT belong HERE” box or basket to deal with after this decluttering sprint.
Scan the floor of your room and take 5 minutes to remove anything and EVERYTHING off the floor that does NOT belong there. If its trash or junk, then put that stuff straight IN the trash for disposal.
If it’s useless, get RID of it.
Don’t overthink it, just trash it.
2: Vacuum It
The next thing you’ll need to do is to give the floor a quick vacuum.
I know it sounds crazy to vacuum BEFORE you’re done decluttering, right?
Here’s WHY I do it before I’m totally done:
Freshly vacuumed carpet sure makes ANY room look so much better, doesn’t it?
It’s a “decluttering motivation technique“.
Once you SEE immediate results, it WILL inspire you to finish the room you’re in AND to declutter ANOTHER room or space in your home next.
I have lots of ways I “trick” myself into cleaning – and that vacuuming hack always works for ME.
(Note: If you have hardwood floors, give your floors a quick sweep or use a good micro fiber mop to get your floor clean.)
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3: Remove It
With 5 minutes left to go, you’ll want to remove any clutter off any other surfaces.
You don’t want to organize your clutter – you want to get RID of it, right?
But there are moments when you’re in a pinch and don’t have time to properly sort the clutter – you just need it out of sight!
If you are in the living room, then remove any clutter off your coffee table.

If you are in your home office, reduce any clutter by removing loose papers from your office desk.
If you are decluttering your kitchen, reduce any clutter by removing large unneeded items, organizing neatly the things you DO use daily, and smartly arranging your kitchen appliances to give a clutter-free look to your kitchen.
That’s it – you’ve just made your room clutter-free FAST.
Spend 15 minutes to declutter any room in your home starting from the bottom up (ie, floors first) – spend 5 minutes to trash it, 5 minutes to vacuum it, and 5 minutes to remove it.
Once your 15 minutes are up, you will SEE how much better your room looks when it is no longer a disaster zone!
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My House Was a MESS!
And my anxiety was through the roof!
I needed a plan to get it together - it was all pushing me over the edge.
Thing is - we LIVE here... I never had the fantasy that my home would ever look "Pinterest perfect".
I simply wanted more control, less clutter and much less anxiety.
I finally found something that worked for ME.
- My house is now easier to clean - I can now clean it in minutes, instead of hours.
- I can now actually FIND the things I'm looking for.
- I learned some simple decluttering systems that make me much more efficient every day - and I'm more relaxed and less overwhelmed all the time (finally)
- My house now looks pretty darn good almost all the time.
- Best of all - I no longer stress about guests unexpectedly showing up.
This is how I did it.
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