Baby Closet Ideas-Nursery Closet Organization Ideas & Pictures

Baby Closet Organization – Let’s Organize the Nursery Closet –

I’m so excited to find these great nursery closet organization ideas for the baby room closet!

We have a small nursery closet which doesn’t give us much room for ALL the stuff baby’s have.

That led me to looking for clever and creative baby closet ideas for organizing that small closet so we can fit all the baby stuff without the closet being a cluttered mess.

DIY organization ideas for the home - baby closet organization ideas - clever storage and organization ideas for the nursery closet

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Speaking of organizing baby stuff…

How clever is THIS idea for the baby closet?!?!

Organization ideas for the Home - baby clothes organization and storage ideas for small spaces like a small nursery closet

Or, for those tiny baby rooms that don’t even HAVE a closet, how about this idea for organizing all baby’s things WITHOUT a closet in the room…

Creative storage solutions for a small baby room without a closet - no closet solutions and more brillain organization ideas for the home in the nursery

I also LOVE this – Isn’t it cute?

Cute baby closet or nursery closet idea when you don't HAVE a closet in the baby's room! Cute for toddlers too!

I found it here.

Below are some of my favorite baby closet organizing ideas and organization tips – hope it helps!

Baby Closet Organization Ideas - How To Organize the Baby Closet - DIY Nursery Closet Organization Ideas
Baby Closet Organization Ideas - How To Organize the Baby Closet - DIY Nursery Closet Organization Ideas
Baby Closet Organization Ideas - How To Organize the Baby Closet - DIY Nursery Closet Organization Ideas
Baby Closet Organization Ideas - How To Organize the Baby Closet - DIY Nursery Closet Organization Ideas
Baby Closet Organization Ideas - How To Organize the Baby Closet - DIY Nursery Closet Organization Ideas
Baby Closet Organization Ideas - How To Organize the Baby Closet - DIY Nursery Closet Organization Ideas
Baby Closet Organization Ideas - How To Organize the Baby Closet - DIY Nursery Closet Organization Ideas
Baby Closet Organization Ideas - How To Organize the Baby Closet - DIY Nursery Closet Organization Ideas
Baby Closet Organization Ideas - How To Organize the Baby Closet - DIY Nursery Closet Organization Ideas

Decluttering Your Clothes?

☑ Read: How To Sort Clothes In YOUR Closet

Baby clothes organization in the baby nursery closet

Getting your baby’s closet organized can prove to be a lot of fun. No matter if you are a first time parent, or are welcoming a second bundle of joy to your home going through all of those precious little pieces will tug at your heart strings.

Most closets in our homes have been designed for grown ups though and don’t feature all the little shelves and baskets needed to accommodate your baby’s things.

Baskets are my FAVORITE…

Just LOOK at the clever ways I organize with baskets

Baby closet ideas - DIY nursery closet organization and organizing ideas
Baby closet ideas - DIY nursery closet organization and organizing ideas

Most new parents are pretty shocked to find that the nursery closet will need to hold MORE than just baby clothes – the closet will also hold diapers, toys, bottles, etc etc ETC. A new baby brings a LOT of new stuff into your home that you’ll need to figure out what to DO with.

These clever Dollar Tree organization hacks really helped me out.

Baby nursery closet organization ideas and baby clothes organization ideas - super smart organization ideas for the home even if you're on a budget

 12 Drawer OrganizersGet More Info Multi OrganizersGet More Info


HOW do little tiny babies have so much STUFF?

It’s crazy, right?

Somehow, we have to fit it all IN the closet AND organize it… ugh!

This Dollar Store Mom hack below is really a good idea, don’t you think?

Baby clothes organization ideas for organizing baby clothes in the nursery closet - smart organization ideas for the home

 Black Storage DrawersGet More Info White Storage DrawersGet More Info


There are many ways to get the nursery closet organized…

I looked at the nursery closet pictures here and then did what worked for my closet size AND my budget.

Organization Ideas for the Home - closet organization ideas - DIY baby closet organization and baby closthes organization ideas - creative nursery closet organization ideas

One of the first, and most obvious, ways to organize your nursery closet is to get a baby closet organizer like this. They are useful and simple style organizer that has drawers, shelves, pockets, and hangers.

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Considering how short baby clothing is compared to adult clothing, you can often get up to three tiers of hanger bars into your organizer which will fit all the clothing your friends and family will give you at your baby shower or your baby will accumulate (and babies accumulate a LOT of clothes!)

Baby closet ideas - DIY nursery closet organization and organizing ideas
Baby closet ideas - DIY nursery closet organization and organizing ideas

Speaking of the clothing others are going to give you, oftentimes it’s not quite going to fit yet. Babies grow so fast, it’s hard to predict the right size to get when you’re buying clothing for someone’s baby unless you’ve had one yourself.

You’re gonna have to learn how be ruthless cleaning out the closet!

DIY organization ideas for the home - organizing with baskets in the baby closet - smart baby clothes organization dieas - nursery closet organization ideas for the home

Luckily, they actually make hanger separators that divide clothing by months, every three months, up to 24 months. This allows you to organize the baby clothes appropriately so you don’t have to sift through clothing that is 9 months too big when looking for clothes for the day.

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A great way to prevent having to look for clothes every day is to use a baby closet organizer that has each day separated into its own cubby. The daily tasks involved with raising a child are plentiful, and whatever you can do to increase your daily efficiency will make your life easy. Using these day-labeled cubbies, you can take some time on Sunday to prepare for each day of the week, placing the day’s supplies into the appropriate cubby.

Baby Closet Organization Ideas! EASY DIY organizing ideas for the nursery closet

 Nursery Organization KitsGet More Info Nursery Storage DrawersGet More Info ‘Grow With Me’ Closet IdeasGet More Info Pink Nursery Organizer KitsGet More Info


Having a child is a blessing, without a doubt, but there is a lot of work involved, especially when your child is an infant. By utilizing a baby closet organizer, and various methods of baby-related organization, you can reduce your daily workload. This will allow you to spend more quality time with your baby, and will reduce the amount of stress you carry with you.

More Creative Baby Organization Ideas:

Creative organization ideas for small spaces - nursery organization ideas for organizing the closet in the baby room - nursery clothes organization ideas for organizing baby clothes in a small nursery closet

Need More Help?

Tips, tricks and solutions for…

I have a SMALL closet and too much STUFF

I do NOT have a linen closet

I do NOT have a pantry closet

✅   See the secrets of organized moms – it’s crazy how other moms keep it all together, but it turns out they have some tricks.
Creative organization ideas for the home and small spaces like the baby closet - nursery closet organization and baby clothes organization ideas
Baby Closet Organization Ideas - small nursery closet organizing ideas for the home

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Nursery Closet Organization ideas - great DIY ideas for organizing the baby closet