17 Neatly Organized Everyday Things From Seriously Organized Everyday People

Does seeing things neatly organized kinda make your heart flutter a little? Oh, me too! There’s something oddly satisfying about everything in it’s own place AND, well… neatly organized!

Also, I find that looking at simple organized spaces from others really helps inspire ME to get MY stuff neatly organized. Are you the same (or am I weird)?

I found a bunch of examples of neatly organized things from seriously organized people that inspired me – hopefully they will inspire you too!

15 Brilliant ways to organize everything at home and life

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When it comes to getting REALLY organized at home (and in life), there are a lot of simple yet satisfying tasks that can make a BIG difference to the overall order and serenity of your home.

The organization of mundane everyday items in everyday spaces helps make sense of ALL these everyday things that seem to magically show up in our homes – or the things we love and have a LOT of.

yarn wall storage shelves

From the kitchen pantry to the bathroom cabinet, the act of neatly arranging spices, canned goods, toiletries, and cleaning supplies can bring a satisfying sense of harmony to your overall feel and appearance of your home.

storage container tupperware cabinet organization

Don’t overlook closed doors either – it can spark some serious joy to open your pantry and see THIS:

walk in pantry organization ideas

I could just stared at my pantry all day if it was organized like that! But lord help ANYONE who touched ANYTHING in it haha!

Or open your linen closet and see THIS:

Linen Closet Organization

While finding beautiful ways to organize your linen closet may not be at the TOP of your list, it’s definitely NOT a space to overlook.

We naturally tend to START with the obvious clutter.

We all know that wrangling the chaos of tangled cords and cables, whether in the living room or home office, can not only declutter your space but also ensure easy access to your electronic devices.

And in this “wireless” world – WHY do we have SO many cords and wires!?!? Ugh!

Bookshelves are the perfect space for aesthetic organization (you know, it just LOOKS pretty AND is seriously organized). Useful, yet pretty, baskets arranged around your neatly organized books can make a room look amazing.

15 Neatly Organized Everyday Things From Seriously Organized Everyday People

Bottom line before we look at the pictures is this: investing a little time and effort into organizing your small cluttered spaces in your home and life, we can create a space that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also promotes a wonderful feeling of calm and tranquility.

This is NOT going to be a long wordy post where I ramble on and on about eliminating clutter from your home. Instead, this post is designed to be more visually inspirational.

yarn closet organization

Maybe at least ONE simple little organization idea below will make your heart flutter a little and inspire you to get your everyday things neatly organized too.

And if you find odd satisfaction in things organized by color, there are a lot of fun ideas below too.

Organizing by color bookshelves crayola supertips

Ok, drum roll please…

Let’s start with this VERY neatly organized day planner schedule. Color coding makes my heart happy haha!

Schedule organization ideas - color coded day planner time management system

The best idea I got from that color coded time blocking idea above?

To LABEL my markers so I remember what color is for what.

If you’re into color-coding and neatly organizing your schedule or daily routine, check out this nifty idea:

Organized daily schedule color coded time blocks of weekly activities

Next up, a beautiful bullet journal layout page for keeping track of routine cleaning chores, home maintenance tasks etc.

Home care cleaning and maintenance checklist for bullet journal

Or how about this neatly organized command center wall to organize ALL the things that usually clutter up your counters.

Neatly organized home command center organization wall in kitchen

This idea to use dry erase markers on the side of your extra freezer to keep track of what’s IN the freezer is just plain GENIUS.

I couldn’t tell you what’s at the deep, DEEP bottom of MY chest freezer haha!

And it’s a painful cycle of not remembering what I have, thinking I DON’T have something – and buying it again (when, yep you guessed it – I DID already have said thing!)

Freezer organization hacks chest freezer inventory

I gotta admit, the picture of this snack bar setup REALLY gets my heart ALL aflutterin’ – I seriously want to go set one up in my house right NOW.

neatly organized snack bar storage area

We all know I love a beautiful coffee bar set up – but that snack bar… just FUN.

So… you know ALL those school pictures of our kids (and grandkids) that we accumulate over the years?

Wouldn’t you love a simple, yet organized, way to display all those photos?

Well, check THIS idea out:

Photo wall ideas for family school pictures on the wall

How about a cheap little Dollar Store hack to organized ALL those random meds and boo-boo fixers you, like me, probably have all stuffed and jumbled in a cabinet or drawer somewhere.

Cabinet organization ideas for the home for medicines

That’s just a cheapo mini plastic drawer organizer with label maker labels for each drawer.

Feeling stuck in a cluttered mess?

Here’s the best advice for getting started:

Just think of it in chunks. And then think of it in terms of what works for you.

Dollar Store battery clutter storage solutions

While I don’t use any single specific system. I simply pick a problem area that needs a solution.

pretty pen organization

Pinterest can be your BFF for this – just look at some pins and ideas until you see something that fits with your style, your space AND your own tendency to keep up with things.

Under sink organization hack

Don’t overwhelm yourself with the WHOLE situation – just solve one problem at a time.

For example: Start with your keys and shoes, figure out where they go and then take it from there.

paper towel storage solutions

Get rid of trash. Get rid of duplicates. Get rid of stuff you don’t use.

Upgrade broken stuff you do use, and then get rid of the broken item.

If you love some of your stuff, it’s so much easier to get rid of the stuff you don’t need and love.

Drink bottle storage solution

Most importantly, don’t hold onto stuff for “just in case”.

If it’s useful, use it.

If it’s not useful for YOU, it’s clutter.

Desk organization idea for pens, pencils, markers, sharpies and highlighters

Don’t force something to fit where it won’t fit. Maximize every inch of your space, even if what you’re maximizing is space.

Everything needs a place. Even if that place is your “current project in progress” basket.

And then – the key to keeping it uncluttered – is putting stuff back in its place.

Want more fun organization eye candy?

✅  Recommended:

declutter challenge binder printables

(image above links to a LOT of declutter challenge printables, cleaning schedules and MUCH more!)

My House Was a MESS!
And my anxiety was through the roof!

I needed a plan to get it together - it was all pushing me over the edge.

Thing is - we LIVE here... I never had the fantasy that my home would ever look "Pinterest perfect".

I simply wanted more control, less clutter and much less anxiety.

I finally found something that worked for ME.
  • My house is now easier to clean - I can now clean it in minutes, instead of hours.
  • I can now actually FIND the things I'm looking for.
  • I learned some simple decluttering systems that make me much more efficient every day - and I'm more relaxed and less overwhelmed all the time (finally)
  • My house now looks pretty darn good almost all the time.
  • Best of all - I no longer stress about guests unexpectedly showing up.
Turns out, it was so much easier to do than I ever expected.

This is how I did it.

More Organizing Ideas:

15 Brilliant ways to organize everything at home and life

freezer organization hacks

organized everyday things