Got toys EVERYWHERE? Oh, I feel ya! Let’s look at toy storage ideas and Organization Systems That Actually Work!
Need some toy organization ideas or a playroom storage system but you have NO extra storage space? Need the organization ideas to be cheap or FREE? Try these ideas below for organizing Toys On A BUDGET!
Learn how to organize a playroom on a budget and lots of cheap ways to organize your child’s room, living room, playroom or ANY place all that toy clutter builds up. Personally, I think these toy organizing hacks are BRILLIANT!

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These toy storage ideas for small spaces below are genius and inexpensive ways for organizing toys and NOT ending up with a toy storage system that you and your kids can’t keep up with.
For example, this cheap way to organize board games and other toys is SUPER cheap and a genius toy storage solution:

I’m all about the clever toy storage ideas I see all over Pinterest, they’re GENIUS and so cute!
but I’m a realist –
Many of those toy organization ideas are WAY out of our comfort zone AND out of our budget
(ie, we can’t afford it AND I know the kids – and I – will never keep up with it)
Here’s a slideshow of ideas I think are really clever and creative for organizing ALL the toys:
I really like this simple solution Neat By Meg shares on Instagram – just a bunch of cheap plastic tote boxes on open closet shelving like this:
Or this from Kate Decorates on Instagram:
Or this super cute toys shelving system with a rainbow accent wall from Less Is More Organizers on Instagram
Something like this storage idea would be perfect for toys, LEGOS, Hot Wheels and ALL those little things the kids collect:

I want more of a playroom like this:
With an organized playroom like that, I know we can keep up with it.
I just need a cheap way to do it.
Heck, I’m going to turn an old dresser into toy storage like this to save money and repurpose what would otherwise be thrown away junk:
Cute, right? With a different paint color and perhaps some bigger storage boxes, I think it will work well AND be cheap to do.
I love this toy closet organization idea – the small baskets are perfect for all her little playroom toys!
But first – before ANY of that – we have to declutter, de-JUNK, sort and organize all the toys so we can GET to the organization part.
Let’s talk about how to sort toys, why fewer toys are better, and how to purge children’s toys.
Ready to learn how to dejunk ALL THE TOYS? Let’s do this with a h/t to Melissa and Doug!
Organizing Toys on a Budget
If you’re looking for creative and CHEAP ways how to organize a toy room on a budget – you’re in the right place!
Let’s look at some simple DIY toy organization and playroom organizing tips, ideas and hacks to declutter and organize your kid’s toys WITHOUT losing your mind!
Toy Storage Furniture
If you want some cute and USEFUL toy storage furniture for your living room, the kids room or in the playroom, these toy organizers below make for a great playroom storage system for toys anywhere in your house (which is usually EVERYWHERE haha!)
Wall Toy Storage UnitsGet More InfoKid’s Bookcase with Reading NookGet More InfoMulti-Bin Toy OrganizersGet More Info
If your house is like mine you have toys, Toys… TOYS everywhere! Best of all, toys these days have SO MANY pieces and parts that go with them! And kids are pack rats too, aren’t they? Ugh! It sure can be extra difficult to declutter your life when you have children!
ESPECIALLY when you’re a large family living in a small house and have NO extra storage space!
How can you easily organize your child’s toys in their playroom or bedroom to cut down on all the clutter and stuff when you’ve run out of SPACE?
Below are some ways we did it at our old house.
Our old house was tiny, but the kid’s toy situation was MASSIVE. I’m talking toys EVERYWHERE and I flat out ran out of spaces to PUT them all.
That cluttered mess situation, plus my very limited budget, forced me to get creative with toy storage solutions that kept the toys organized and everything had a place to be put away.
For example, ALL those toy cars your kid has – how to organize them?
Hot Wheels Wall DisplaysGet More InfoHot Wheels Storage CasesGet More InfoHot Wheels Storage ContainersGet More Info
Those little toys are real booger to organize – as are ALL toys.
ESPECIALLY all their NERF toys – wow, they are EVERYWHERE!

That page above is SUPER helpful if your kids have a LOT of Nerf toys and accessories.
✅ Read: Nerf Storage Solutions
Over The Door NERF StorageFound HereComplete NERF Elite Storage UnitFound HereCamo NERF Storage BagFound Here
We have a very simple 2-Question Toy Decluttering System that we use. I’ve used it with my kids and now my kids use it with their kid’s toys.
That said, once your child gets to be about 4 or 5, they are perfectly capable of understanding the concept of giving to others… especially the concept of giving to other who have less.
While it will take a little longer with your child present, it is absolutely worth the time to include your child in this toy decluttering and teach them a beautiful life lesson in the process.

The colorful bins make it look great and it sure cuts down on toy clutter!
I found it here
What You Will Need:
To perform this simple 2-Question Toy Decluttering System, you will need:
- A Toy Box (or a space to put toys you are keeping) – see ideas
- Empty Boxes (to put toys you will be donating or selling at a yard sale)
- Trash Bags (to throw out broken toys)
If your child has younger siblings, you might want to consider another storage container for toys that your younger child/children will eventually play with. You will store those toys away for later.
These storage containers are perfect for this.
Preparing to Declutter the Toys
Depending on the toy situation before-hand, you might need to spend a little time gathering toys and finding the pieces that go with them.
If you do this toy decluttering system regularly, this prep time won’t take long.
However, if you’re still with TOY CHAOS, take the time to get the toys sorted somewhat so you can begin and quickly move through this decluttering process.
The Two Questions
Pick up each toy and ask yourself (or your child if he/she is participating in this):
“Has this toy been played with in the last month?”
If the answer is YES – keep the toy.
If the answer is NO…
“Is this toy broken or missing pieces?”
If the answer is YES, the toy is broken/missing pieces – throw it away.
If the answer is NO, put the toy in the donation box (or a storage box if your saving good toys for younger siblings).
Tips for Success
The key to this toy decluttering strategy is to move quickly.
Try your hardest to not reminisce over each toy or how much it cost or how long it took you to find that toy, etc.
This is the time to “Let It Go“.
(tell me you read that and started humming the Frozen song too haha! I can’t say “let it go” without singing it in my head haha!)
If you’re struggling with it, break the task down into smaller goals.
For example:
“Right now, I am only decluttering the Barbie stuff.”
There’s no sense getting stressed and overwhelmed when decluttering your life – break things down into smaller tasks and you’ll quickly be able to SEE the results of your efforts (which will motivate you to keep going).
Here’s another tip for when you’re ready…
Once I had the toys we were keeping separated out, I would then divide those toys into 2 piles.
One pile of “keeper” toys I would put back in their toy box or on their toy shelf for them to play with NOW – and the other pile of “keeper” toys would be stored away on the top shelf of a closet, another room, etc to be played with LATER.
Then, after some time goes by (or the next time I decluttered the toys), I would rotate out the “keeper” toys I stored out of sight.
For kids – especially little kids – this is like getting brand new toys!
Rotating out the other keeper toys is also a GREAT idea for days when you really need your child to play on their own for awhile so you can get other things done.
Wall Toy Storage UnitsGet More InfoKid’s Bookcase with Reading NookGet More InfoMulti-Bin Toy OrganizersGet More Info
More Ways To Declutter and Organize
1 – Decluttering? Do NOT Use These – Where To START When Your House is a Disaster – If you’re tired of thinking: “My House Is SO CLUTTERED… and I Don’t Know Where To START!” You NEED to read these tips and tricks to FINALLY get started and NOT make mistakes.
2 – How I FINALLY Decluttered My House After Being Overwhelmed For YEARS – Tips and tricks to help you get rid of the clutter even if you’re feeling overwhelmed and ASHAMED of your messy house.
3 – One Hour Declutter Challenge To Get Organized In Only 7 Days – This simple this decluttering challenge is perfect for those OVERWHELMED with all their clutter and their messy home.
4 – How To Declutter When You Have ZERO Motivation – Feeling Overwhelmed? Need cleaning motivation? How to declutter and organize when feeling overwhelmed and with NO motivation to do anything around the house.
✅ Recommended:
My House Was a MESS!
And my anxiety was through the roof!
I needed a plan to get it together - it was all pushing me over the edge.
Thing is - we LIVE here... I never had the fantasy that my home would ever look "Pinterest perfect".
I simply wanted more control, less clutter and much less anxiety.
I finally found something that worked for ME.
- My house is now easier to clean - I can now clean it in minutes, instead of hours.
- I can now actually FIND the things I'm looking for.
- I learned some simple decluttering systems that make me much more efficient every day - and I'm more relaxed and less overwhelmed all the time (finally)
- My house now looks pretty darn good almost all the time.
- Best of all - I no longer stress about guests unexpectedly showing up.
This is how I did it.
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